Hello World!

Christopher Harrop
2 min readSep 11, 2018


Hi there,

So I guess I should start by introducing myself…

My linkedin profile says, “I’m a Full-Stack Software Engineer and former British Army Officer with 11yrs experience in leadership, business analytics and web-development. My broader experience has helped me shape the direction of an Agile business from an objective, technical viewpoint.”

What that really means is that over the last decade I’ve seen the world from a multitude of viewpoints; from conflict resolution and combat leadership, through the corporate sales in investment banking, to a software development bootcamp and at a nimble technology startup. I hope I see the world pretty objectively as a result but I firmly believe I’m still learning.

The British Army shaped me. I served alongside some of the bravest men and women of a generation and it took me all over the world, from Germany to Canada, Iraq, Australia, Norway to name but a few.

I studied Economics but it still took a few years to understand that Finance wasn’t for me. Lesson learnt - fail fast.

I love coding, it’s a passion I have only recently found but I’m fortunate to have had the opportunity to explore this at Maker’s Academy. An incredible organisation that helped me discover this extraordinary community.

I row when the waves are small and the weather’s good. I game when it isn’t. If I could live anywhere it would be in the mountains and a stone’s throw from the sea. I’m married to Anna, who is incredibly accomplished, humble, selfless and challenges me every day. Our lurcher, Laika, is a recent rescue from Ireland and is a true longdog, winning hearts wherever she goes.

So that’s me, briefly, and I can’t wait to get going with various musings, ramblings and nonsense to add my voice to the many.

Thanks for coming along on the journey!

